Original Jukebox Company
Crommelinbaan 33A
2142 EX Cruquius
Phone: 023-5287919
Mobile: 06-12568225
Crommelinbaan 33A
2142 EX Cruquius
Phone: 023-5287919
Mobile: 06-12568225
Comming from Den Haag
A4 direction Amsterdam
Take the side-way 3 (Hoofddorp N201)
End of the side-way turn left
Follow the N201 direction Heemstede for 8.5 km
Take the side-way to the 'woonboulevard' (turn left)
Stay at this road and turn right at the first possible side-way (Crommenlinbaan).
A4 direction Amsterdam
Take the side-way 3 (Hoofddorp N201)
End of the side-way turn left
Follow the N201 direction Heemstede for 8.5 km
Take the side-way to the 'woonboulevard' (turn left)
Stay at this road and turn right at the first possible side-way (Crommenlinbaan).
Visit our shop
Our shop is open from 11.00 till 17.00 hours.
Friday and Saturday
Mostly we are also present the other days. If you are planning to visit us one of those days, please give us a call.
Comming from Alkmaar/Amsterdam
A9 side-way Haarlem-Zuid / N205
End of the side-way at the split N205 Go to direction Hoofddorp
Take the side-way to the N201
direction Heemstede
Take the side-way to the 'woonboulevard' (turn left)
Stay at this road and turn right at the first possible side-way (Crommenlinbaan).
A9 side-way Haarlem-Zuid / N205
End of the side-way at the split N205 Go to direction Hoofddorp
Take the side-way to the N201
direction Heemstede
Take the side-way to the 'woonboulevard' (turn left)
Stay at this road and turn right at the first possible side-way (Crommenlinbaan).
10 minutes
from Schiphol
from Schiphol
Original Jukebox Company • Crommelinbaan 33A • 2142 EX Cruquius • info@originaljukeboxcompany.nl